Thursday, November 26, 2009

Yummy Food!

So Tania and I spent the whole day together yesterday since 10 am..14 hours :D
First we went to Magruder High School to visit a couple of teachers. The school is INCREDIBLY small-it isn't even the size of ONE of the buildings in College Park, let alone the whole campus. And to think, in ninth grade i was always lost trying to find my classes in such a big school :p

After that Tania and I went home to search for recipes to make for Thanksgiving. We decided on custard and this Indian recipe which had a spinach sauce and paneer (some sort of Indian cheese) in it with onions and SPICES (being Indian food and all)

We didn't have enough spinach the first time to feed a bunch of people, so when my dad went to pick up Ana from the airport he stopped by the grocery store and picked up a couple more bags of baby spinach. So, let me explain that EVERYTHING went perfectly the first time, no burnt spinach or anything. I put oil and the spices in JUST like i had done the first time, and when i used the spatula to stir the spices around JUST like i had done the first time....

the spatula melted...I have no idea how. So now we have half a spatula sitting on the window as a monument. Smoke was going throughout the whole first floor from putting cold water on the hot pan, Tania and I were laughing hysterically, and my dad and brother were sitting casually at the dining room table eating dinner, having no idea what was going on in the kitchen.

Good times :)


Blogger Kara Olenick said...

Hahahaha. I think I've finally realized why cooking with you is such an adventure. YOU are the common factor in both of these ridiculous cooking stories! It must be you. You just don't have the chef in your genes like I do. ;D


November 26, 2009 at 10:46 AM  
Blogger BubblexTeaxHippie said...

haha it seems like it, because what Tania was doing seemed to be pretty flawless, while I seem to have the CONFIDENCE...just not the..skill ;)

November 26, 2009 at 7:27 PM  

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